The Nutritional Nerd

Diabetes | Brain Benefits of Having Balanced Blood Sugar Levels

Kelly Aiello Season 3 Episode 3

Hi everyone! This is Kelly - your Nutrition Coach and Brain Health Professional on a mission to teach you how to get a better brain!

Today’s video is all about sugar!

Ok, so maybe not the kind of sugar you originally thought about - but sugars in your blood. 

Why should you pay attention to your blood sugar levels? If you have diabetes, are worried about getting it in the future, are battling cancer, or want to stave off dementia, then blood sugar levels should be of great concern to you - and you probably already know this. 

But what you may not realize is that you should also pay attention to your blood glucose levels if you are interested in optimizing your cognitive function! 

How are blood sugar levels and your brain health connected? Well, let’s start with some of the most common complaints many of my clients have: poor sleep, zoning out, and irritability. These are all signs of neurofatigue.

If you have these same struggles or can’t seem to wake up, I’m sure you’ve done everything you can think of to battle your exhaustion but it doesn’t seem to go away. 

If this sounds like you, I have one question for you… Have you checked your blood sugar levels lately?

There are many benefits of having and maintaining balanced blood sugar levels. The one that likely pops to mind, as previously mentioned, is to prevent diabetes. However, there are many other, less obvious benefits.

Better focus, improved mood, enhanced sleep, and increased energy are among the benefits of balanced blood sugar levels. So if you’d like to optimize your brain health and regain energy, start here! And if you’re willing, I can certainly help you with this!

Contact me at

You can also check out our recent article on about the power of brain games in keeping seniors active and healthy:

Other related blogs you may be interested in:
Living with neurofatigue: Common complaints and solutions: 
Brain inflammation: What it is and what you can do about it:  
Brain exercises to keep your mind sharp: 
Brain Foods Diets:

Thanks for watching and make sure you subscribe to my channel!

Until next time, stay happi and healthy!

A reminder that this content is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of a medical practitioner for your unique case. |

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